I did not start college as an art major. My major was science when I first arrived. As any artist that has sat through a lecture coarse knows, never bring lined paper to class. Enjoy philosophy 101, chemistry 101-102, history of rock and roll (an 8am class I rarely attended).

Switched majors my second year. Attention had always been in the details with me at this point so started exploring abstracts and negative space.

The first two in the series, flower and the rock, we created in a work shop hosted by Corin Hewitt in 2012
Rest are dark room developed works

Now these... these were the cream of the crop, my favorite pieces created in college and three still live on my walls today. "Tusk," the vertical pieces with the monochromatic tumors growing on the right side of the piece won honorable mention at the student juried exhibition in 2009. I was purchased by the Assistant Dean of the Arts at the time. The other vertical abstract belongs to the McDonald Collection, currently residing in France. The others stay with me as a reminder of how far I have come and the amazing and influential time I had at St Cloud State University.

Thank you Prof Justin Quinn for leading ASU and pushing us to critic..."Islands of our own understanding..."
Thank you Prof Shana Kaplow for Junior/Senior Seminar and preparing me for the real art world. Thank you for believing in us and helping us write the project grant that went on to create the Gallery Vault
Thank you David Sebberson, the department chair at then time, for giving us courage to stand out and move up in this world! Without you it wouldn't have been possible.